About Plum

Loving Ink

Today this photo came up in my Facebook memories. I honestly can’t believe it was a year ago that I had my roses done on my arm. I’ve wanted to write a post on tattoos for ages and often started going through the photos I took the day I had this one done a few […]

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Hello May

Hello May I can’t believe it is the 1st day of the 5th month of the year. Where has this year gone too?!? It some ways it feels like only a week or two has passed since I wrote my post about my word of the year, and in other ways it feels like a year […]

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My word for 2017: Me

After New Years I saw more people choosing a particular word that they wanted to focus on for 2017 instead of coming up with a long list of resolutions that they would most likely not even stick to. I quite liked the idea of choosing a word and I considered a few for myself – “invest”, “build”, and […]

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Shield MotionSense™

As summer arrives and the temperatures start heating up, I start hunting for a good deo that will keep me cool and fresh for pretty much the whole day. Why do I keep changing my deos every summer you may be asking yourself? Well, after using a deo for a while, my body stops working together […]

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Welcome to the new home of Being Plum

I am so happy to announce that Being Plum’s new home is finally up and running!  I have spent many nights working on getting everything moved over and linked again and am thrilled that I have completed all of that. Moving my blog wouldn’t have been possible without a good friend’s help. Corrie did the bulk […]

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