The last time I published a post on my blog was on 5 October 2020. I’ve sat many times wondering if I should close this down, or keep it. And a big part of me couldn’t close it down. I miss writing and I miss being creative… So, I spent time figuring WordPress out again as a lot can change in 3 years.

It’s surreal thinking how much has changed since then. The pandemic is over, but Covid still lurks, Iockdown is over and life went back to normal fairly quickly, and I’m living in a different country with Jack.

I’ve changed a lot and so has my content that I share, so instead of deleted the old posts, I’m keeping them as memories. I’ve wanted to write more lifestyle content for a long time, and Jane has been pushing me in the background to do that.

My one year anniversary of living in Paris is next month, so I think it’s apt that my first post in a long time will be about my move, what I’ve learnt, and how I have changed.

Here’s one of my favourite photos.

Chat soon
