my style

Don’t look drab this winter

Okay so winter is still a few months away but the shops are already starting to unpack their autumn/winter stock. I’m one of the first people to cling to my summer skirts and sandals, even if that means freezing my tooshie off, because I hate wearing layers of bulky clothing that leaves me feeling like […]

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New shoes!

I have loved this style of shoes ever since I first saw them on Pinterest. I would have loved them with a heel but will settle for flats and especially in this colour. I can’t wait to wear them with a pair of boyfriend jeans and a white tee. Ackermans R139.94

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@mrpricefashion delivery

I did a little bit of online shopping from the comfort of my couch this weekend. Online shopping will never be the same as browsing through the actual store and seeing the items up close but it is handy when you want something and you know you may not find it in store. I ordered […]

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Spring is here and I can finally swop my boots, jeans and jerseys for maxi skirts, tank tops and sandals. Saturday was lovely and warm in Jozi and I look forward to many more days of skirts, shorts and tees. I had my hair done on Saturday morning and am always ecstatic with the final […]

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