Sorbet has a really awesome voucher in the current issue of Elle Magazine. It entitles you to R100 off a Power Hour Mani – in support of breast cancer – at any Sorbet, as long as you paint your nails pink. Yesterday I popped into Sorbet Greenside, and Eunice painted this gorgeous pink on my nails. It wasn’t my first choice, but I decided to try it out and was really happy with the result. Unfortunately this polish chipped today on 4 nails, and sadly this is not the first time it has happened with a Morgan Taylor polish I’ve tried. Oh well, at least they looked great yesterday and most of today.
Wondering what the Power Hour Mani is all about and where the proceeds go to? Here’s what Sorbet had to say:
We’re powering up with a shade of pink this October in support of Breast Cancer Awareness. Bring in the Elle Cover Card and qualify for R100 OFF your Power Hour Manicure if you paint your nails pink. Post your pink shout-out to the world with your very own nailfie on our Facebook Page. Paint it pink. Paint it proud. Make it count – for our breasts, for our health, for our brave and spirited beauties. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Breast Cancer Health Foundation. #pinkpowerhour #justgotpinked
Don’t forget to post your pics online and use the hashtags!