I’d like to start off by thanking Kayla Krantz for nominating me for the Liebster Award which is for new and upcoming bloggers! The Liebster Award allows for budding bloggers to recognise each other and help promote the work they have put into their blogs. It is a nice way to discover and connect with other bloggers.
It really is a great feeling to know that someone has enjoyed your blog, especially when you are a newbie like me and still finding your way around the world of blogging.
I’m going to give a quick summary on this from what Kayla had written on her blog.
There are a few rules that go along with the award if you choose to accept it and if you’re like me and were really confused about it at first, let me clarify that a nomination essentially = a win. The nomination is basically an invitation to participate in and accept the Liebster Award and if you choose to do so and make an acceptance post then you have pretty much crowned yourself a winner. congratulations.
1. List 11 facts about yourself
2. Nominate 11 bloggers for the award. Since the point is to recognise rising bloggers, nominees are supposed to have less than 200 followers, although I may grant a little bit of leeway on this one. Sometimes its harder to tell how many followers someone has anyway.
3. Let them know about the nomination (just drop a comment somewhere on their blog)
4. Answer the 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you
5. Ask 11 questions for the new award winners to answer
6. If you feel like being nice, go ahead and thank the person who nominated you. if you don’t feel like being nice, and the words “thank you” are just too much for you to muster, just go ahead and mention who nominated you
1. Milk or semi-sweet chocolate chips? Milk
2. What is your dream job and why? Working for a great magazine like Elle or Grazia
3. What is your favorite drink? Lime and sparkling water
4. Would you rather live in the city or in a more rural country setting? At the moment I love living in the city but enjoy going out to the bush/beach for holidays
5. Is this your first blog? I had a tumblr account before this but really only used it to reblog photos
6. What is currently your favorite song? Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
7. Best dessert you’ve ever had? Lemon meringue that my mom makes. No one can top that!
8. What is your favorite thing about your blog? Being able to share things with readers all around the world
9. If there was a natural disaster who would be the first person you’d look for? My brother
10. Who is going to see Catching Fire in the theater when it comes out? I am! Loved the books so I’m looking forward to seeing how the movie is.
11. What is your favorite store to shop at? Woolworths. I could blow thousands of Rands in that store!