typo art

typo_2015_q4_april_artyhard_1749 copyTypo is one of the few shops I can walk past (well almost straight past) without going inside and buying new stationery. I have been obsessed with Typo ever since it opened its doors, and have enjoyed every single one of my purchases from there. Every time I walk inside one of their stores, my fingers start itching to buy supplies and go home and be creative.

Typo’s new range in stores is called the DIY/Paintbox Collection which has everything you need to do some DIY around your home – there is absolutely no need to hire someone to do that for you. Typo has so many fun items to experiment with (such as paints, ceramic markers, and pencils) so now’s the time to unleash your inner artist. We are all creative – some a little more than others – so don’t think that you don’t have what it takes to be creative and do some DIY. Once you get started with a project, you’ll be surprised at just how quickly you’ll enjoy it.

Do yourself a favour and take a walk around a Typo store this weekend, especially if you haven’t been in one before. Get some supplies and tackle that DIY project that you’ve had on your mind for a while. Being creative is a fantastic stress reliever!

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