wise words

Me Time

This year I’ve tried to change my routine up a bit and include some planned “me time” to unwind and focus on my needs. When work and life become chaotic (seems to be the chorus of my life) I often always forget to just breathe and plan my day so that I get some special time […]

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Hello May

Hello May I can’t believe it is the 1st day of the 5th month of the year. Where has this year gone too?!? It some ways it feels like only a week or two has passed since I wrote my post about my word of the year, and in other ways it feels like a year […]

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Wednesday’s Words of Wisdom

Like me, I’m sure you’re all feeling super tired as the year starts winding down (even though at times it feels like it is speeding up and getting more chaotic). 2016 has been particularly challenging for me, but equally rewarding at the same time. Instead of only focussing on all the bad things and challenges that you’ve […]

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