As it gets closer to spring, I have been looking for a light pink nail polish and a pastel yellow nail polish. I saw someone last month with pastel yellow gelish on their nails and fell in love with the colour. I am giving my nails a break from gelish as it weakened them so I have been looking at the normal nail polishes for these colours. I finally found both of them in the new Revlon Colorstay Gel Envy range. I put a photo up to hear from readers what colour I should choose for Mani Monday. The majority of people commented that I should use both – paint my nails pink and do the accent nails in yellow. I was happy with that choice and super excited to get home and do my nails. Unfortunately by the time I got home, cooked dinner, sent emails, did some admin and checked in here, the time is now 9:00 pm. So I am not going to be able to do my nails tonight. However, I am definitely going to try do them tomorrow night after Pilates and I will post a pic.
I found the Revlon Colorstay Gel Envy polishes at Clicks for R110 each. This yellow is called Casino Lights and the pin is called Cardshark.