angel wing

I first saw gold flash tattoos on Pinterest and was quite curious to find out more about them because I wasn’t sure if they had been painted on some of the people in the pictures. I then saw some of the contestants on the reality show Bachelor in Paradise wearing them and loved how they look on tanned skin! Flash tattoos are gorgeous temporary tattoos that look great when teamed up with accessories – I would love to pair them with turquoise jewellery. In SA they retail for about R200 plus, which I think is a bit steep, but if they last for a full week without rubbing off then that’s not too bad. I saw them on display at a shop in Parkhust about 2 weeks ago and am sure you can find them online too.

If you don’t know what flash tattoos are, here are some pics I found on Pinterest:







Still unsure of how to master the art of wearing them? Take a look at this Vogue article.