It’s been so long since I wrote a post on here that WordPress has changed completely! I started writing about my adventure in Paris last year and after the first month, I didn’t pick up my laptop again. I’ve spent the last week wondering why that was, and I came to one conclusion: When I moved to Paris I decided to just live. 2018 fed my soul in so many ways.

2018 was pretty unforgettable for me. I flew 8 international flights in 4 months, moved to a country I had never been to before, started learning how to speak French, made new friends who changed my life in so many ways, explored new cities, learnt how the metro worked, tried food that I absolutely loved (and hated), worked on a digital project as part of a bootcamp and pitched to some of the most high profile people I have ever presented to in my career, visited Silicon Valley (which honestly is a dream come true), spent Christmas in New York with my sibling, and, most of all, I learnt to appreciate what I have back home in South Africa.

When I started my new job last year January, I had no idea that 8 months later I would be packing up my apartment so that I could move to Paris for work for 4 months. I’ve always been interested in digital and tech and I was selected to be part of a Digital Bootcamp programme in Paris for work. As a cancerian, I love being at home with Jack and I’m not very fond of change, so 2018 really pushed me out of my comfort zone in so many ways.
Last year was definitely a year of learning for me. Learning all about a completely new industry that I began working in fascinated me; learning about AI, machine learning, VR, analytics, blockchain etc. really inspired me; and most importantly, learning more about myself was exactly what I needed. It’s been such a long time since I last laughed as much as I did in Paris. And not just a giggle, but a laugh where your cheek muscles ache and you can feel the happiness bubble from your stomach right out you.

After 4 months overseas, I’ve changed. I’ve grown up so much and see things so differently now. The experiences we had were life changing. The only people who will every really understand what I mean are my friends I made in Paris who were on the Bootcamp with me. I’ve been back in SA now for 1 month and it’s still weird for me at times. I built a new life in Paris and on 11 December I packed it up and left. Part of me was dying to come home to Jack, and the other part of me was not ready to say goodbye to everything that side.
Going into 2019 I now have a much better understanding of what I want, how I am going to approach things going forward in life, and the one that I need to work on the most is what my body needs when it comes to self-care.
I had wanted to vlog when I left last year and as I said earlier, I decided to just live and enjoy every moment. I’ve taken tons of photos, so I plan on sharing as much as I can with you. I am going to write posts about Paris and my time there (I am writing posts in French for my French teacher too J) and I am also going to write about Silicon Valley and New York. These places all fed my soul last year in so many ways.
I don’t know what adventures are going to come my way in 2019, but I am looking forward to them. #2019mineteen (thank you Kelli for this) is going to be my next unforgettable year.